Favorite Password Policy
CapsLock On

Search PW

Merchant ID (Classify 10 upper and lower letters)
Representative's date of birth
Business registration number (Enter without -)
account number
(the back five

* GID 및 통합 로그인ID는 고객센터(1588-4954 또는 채팅상담/카카오 채팅상담)로 초기화 요청 바랍니다.


Search information(Search MID)

Date of Birth of representative
Business registration number (Enter without -)
account number
(the back five
Reentry Search ID

Search information(Search MID)

MID: a particular account that is given to affiliate, when using INIpay service.
It consists of 10 characters(Upper/lower letters classified)

GID: a particular account that is given to affiliate, when using INIpay service.
It consists of 10 characters(Upper/lower letters classified)

Select Additional Login Certification


In accordance with the personal information protection measures of Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. Article 27 Provision 1-2, "additional certification is required upon logging in". Select a previously registered additional certification method and proceed with certification.

Customers who have not completed additional login certification must newly register to log in.

Please select one of the following certification methods.

Email Certification Email Certification Mobile Certification
The Certification number will be sent to the registered phone number in the merchant manage account.
Please enter the Certification number received with the selected information.
If you would like to register a different phone number, please register after you log in.

Send Message Register

※ A push notification will be sent if the “Mobile Member Manager” app is installed.

Certification Number OK

※ You must 'allow' the app notification in your mobile phone setting to send a message normally.

The Certification number will be sent to the registered Email in the merchant manage account.
Please enter the Certification number received with the selected information.
If you would like to register a different email address, please register after you log in.
Select Name Email Address

Send Email Register

Certification Number OK

일부 E-mail의 경우 수신차단으로 전달이 안될 수 있습니다.

5분 내 인증 메일 미수신 시, 다른 E-mail 주소로 인증번호를 재발송 하시기 바랍니다.

There is no registered email address.
Please enter the information below and register your email address.
account number
(the back five
Email @ Send Email
Certification Number OK
If you did not receive the email, please check your spam box.

Select Additional Login Certification


In accordance with the personal information protection measures of Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. Article 27 Provision 1-2, "additional certification is required upon logging in". Select a previously registered additional certification method and proceed with certification.

Customers who have not completed additional login certification must newly register to log in.

Register IP Certification

Register Email Certification Email Certification

ID Password
Select Name Email Address

Send Email

Certification Number OK
Password OK

Register Additional Login Certification


Additional certification is required upon login. From IP Certification and Email
, select the method you wish to use for registration.

휴대폰(앱 푸시) 인증

Transaction Bank
Email 앱 푸시 발송
Certification Number OK
Please enter the email account you wish to use for Email Certification.

Register Email Certification

account number
(the back five
Email @ Send Email
Certification Number OK
Please enter the email account you wish to use for Email Certification.

Register Certification Authentication


Change PW

existing password 0
new password 0
Confirm new password 0
Reentry Change password

New password must have 8~16 characters and contain
a combination of upper/lower letter, number and symbols.
Special character on the keyboard only,
no blank space. Available special characters below:

~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )

Examples: inicis4954*, kgini00A#


Select GID/MID Sub ID

로그인/PASSWORD 정책변경안내


개인정보의기술적∙관리적보호조치기준 제4조 제7항 내지 제8항 및 전자금융감독규정 제32조 내지 제33조에 의거하여 Password 관리 수중에 맞게 변경되었습니다.
이와 관련하여 Password 관리 정책이 아래와 같이 변경되오니 업무에 참고하시기 바랍니다

1. Password 체계 안내사항
  1) Password는 영문, 숫자, 특수문자를 혼합하여 8자리 이상 16자리 이하로 만들어 주세요.
      ※ 사용 가능 특수문자:  ~,  !,  @,  #,  $,  %,  ^,  & ,  *,  (,  )
 2) Password 유효기간은 90일입니다.(권장사항)
 3) 임시 Password 최대 사용기간은 48시간 입니다.
     ※ 임시Password : 최초 발급  시 부여 받은 패스워드 또는 비밀번호 잠김 시 인증 후 재부여 받은 패스워드
 4) 사업자번호, 생년월일, 주민번호, ID, 전화번호(휴대폰) 등 개인신상정보와 관련된 정보는 3자리 초과하여 중복 사용 하실 수 없습니다.
 5) 연속된 숫자, 연속된 문자 또는 동일한 숫자는 3자리 초과 중복하여 사용 하실 수 없습니다.
     ※ 예 시
     가) 연속된 숫자 : 123 등 연속된 숫자 사용불가
     나) 연속된 문자 : ㄱㄴㄷ/ABC 등 연속된 문자 사용 불가
     다) 동일한 숫자 : 111/333 등 동일한 숫자 사용 불가

2. Password 변경 시 주의사항
 1) 이전에 사용한 비밀번호는 사용 하실 수 없습니다. (과거 4회분)
 2) 비밀번호 5회 입력 오류 시 잠김 상태로 설정됩니다.
 3) 사전에 있는 단어는 사용을 자제하여 주시기 바랍니다. (ex_ love, password 등)

3. 비고
1) 정책 제정일자: 2012. 06. 28
2) 정책 개정일자: 2016. 03. 24